Этнолингвистический аспект фразеологических единиц относительно домашнего скота (на основе материалов на английском языке)

Shoimanova M.B. Ethnolinguistic aspect of phraseological units сoncerning livestock (on the materials of the english language) / M.B. Shoimanova, G.B. Ilyassova // The Way of Science . – 2019 . – № 9 (67) . – Р. 54-56.

If we look at the history, culture, spiritual values of the nation, in close connection with the worldview, that we learn the nature of the national language; we delve into the structure of the language system. One of the main areas of linguistics is the consideration of language, language units together with human factors and human values. In recent years, we have focused on human factors and often spoke about the problem of language, the rational use of linguistic units and understanding language. Special attention is paid to cultural data about the national values, and language is increasingly being studied not only from the point of view of the individual (formal), but also from the point of view of values, conceptualization, and field.

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